Houston, Texas - PROJECT TYPE:
Blend of traditional and new elements - THE CHALLENGE:
Build the very open space into a cohesive and cozy one

From a young age, designer Caroline Aycock’s love affair with the art of interiors was destined to flourish. At just four years old, she would secretly whisk away her mother’s cherished issues of Southern Living and Architectural Digest, carefully dismantling them to craft her own design books. Growing up as a child who moved often, Caroline discovered an enduring truth: no matter the address, the essence of home could always be created.
Today, Caroline builds her own Houston-based interior design studio, Koukla Collective. For her, home is more than walls and furnishings—it is the keeper of your stories, the mirror of your journey, and the stage upon which life’s grand and intimate moments unfold. Beneath the gentle embrace of a winter sun, the TWOPAGES team dropped in to see how Caroline blends function and beauty to create spaces that honor the past, embrace the present, and inspire the future.

Caroline Aycock has been studying the art of interiors since she was a little girl. At the age of four, she would steal her mother’s coveted copies of Southern Living & Architectural Digest, only to rip out the pages and piece together her very own design book. Moving around a lot as a kid, Caroline always found that no matter where she lived, the feeling she got from being at home remained the same. Collected, welcoming, warm, comfortable, interesting. This gave her the confidence that she could create ''home'' wherever she goes and the desire to do the same for others.

What was your design inspiration for this project? - CAROLINE –
With any project, I like to take my inspiration first and foremost from my clients. So that beginning phase, I really try to dig into who they are and what makes them tick, what their lifestyle is like, what their family is like they're going to use this space. And so I really try to get as detailed as possible upfront. - TWOPAGES –
What was the most notable design challenge for this project? - CAROLINE –
I would say the most notable design challenge is that we were really trying to approach this space which is very open concept, a lot of natural light. The walls were all white. We were trying to approach it as one cohesive space. And our client, like I mentioned really has a knack for welcoming people into her home. So we wanted to make it also feel cozy.

To me, window treatments are really indispensable. I've always viewed them as the eyebrows of a space.
- Caroline Aycock

What is your design style? - CAROLINE –
My personal design style, I have always said that I don't really prescribe to one particular genre. If it is up to me, there's always a really nice blend of old and new. I just have always found that to make the most interesting and layered spaces when you have that juxtaposition. So something with a nod to the past, something with a traditional element and then something that looks to the future, maybe something with clean lines. The combination of those two elements to me is what really kind of makes the space timeless. - TWOPAGES –
How do you usually approach picking out curtains? - CAROLINE –
What I love most about window treatments is just how dynamic they can be. They can be the statement of the room. They can be just the framing of the natural light. Also, window treatments to me accomplish both function and aesthetic. So certainly you can choose them for the aesthetic reason, for maybe the color or the drama, a specific design outcome the drama, a specific design outcome you're trying to achieve. But they also add in a really important layer of function in offering privacy and diffusing some of the light depending on where it hits during the day. So any element that accomplishes both of those things to me is really indispensable in a design project. - TWOPAGES –
What makes TWOPAGES curtains the choice for your project?
Having an option like TWOPAGES as one of our vendors for a project is something that is both accessible and efficient. We have access to really beautiful, finished products that can be customized, down to the details that we need while still kind of keeping the timeline and the budget and everything else on track. That was a really big draw for us.
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